I hate writing these pages. Do I go third person? “Caroline is an accomplished photographer and writer who has been published in some places you’ve heard of.” Maybe I list my CV, “Caroline holds an MFA from Chatham University and is an award winning filmmaker.” I don’t like to write about myself, although my twitter account may say different.

I stumbled into writing. I wrote Punk Rock Entrepreneur because I had already done more research and writing than I could fit into the conference talk it was intended for. I wrote the talk because a man asked me why I’d become an entrepreneur in an interview, and I didn’t have a good answer for him.

And now I’m writing a new book, based on another conference talk that I just kept being asked to give. My goal is always to write something that resonates with people, that gives them something they needed to hear. If you don’t want to miss any updates on that, you can sign up for the newsletter below.